
  • CAS EC 572: Public Control of Business
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASEC201 OR CASEC501) - Examines economic theory and case studies of antitrust policy, government regulation of private industry and operation of state owned enterprises. Case studies are drawn from both industrialized and developing countries.
  • CAS EC 581: Health Economics I
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASEC501) or consent of instructor. - Graduate Prerequisites: (CASEC501) or consent of instructor. - Quantitative analyses of demand for insurance and healthcare, moral hazard, adverse selection, healthcare supply, quality and price competition. Physician agency, payment systems, capitation, risk management and managed care. Emphasis is on U.S. institutions, but concepts and methodology are applicable worldwide.
  • CAS EC 590: Special Topics in Economics
    ay be repeated for credit as topics vary. One topic is offered in Fall 2024. Section AA: Political Economy. Studies game theoretical models of political competition to understand how societies decide on public policies. Discusses the idea of rational choice for a society when the members of that society differ in how they rank different alternatives. Models are applied to public policy issues such as income redistribution and political corruption.
  • CAS EC 591: International Economics
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASEC304 & CASEC391) - Graduate Prerequisites: (CASEC303 & CASEC304) - Quantitative theory of international trade; empirical evidence from both industrialized and developing economies. Factor content of trade, technology and trade patterns, scale economies and imperfect competition, economic geography. Policy interventions: tariffs, exchange rates, trading blocs, and political economy of reform.
  • CAS EC 595: International Finance
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASEC502) or consent of instructor. - Graduate Prerequisites: (CASEC502) or consent of instructor. - Applies economic tools to open-economy macroeconomics. Topics include the determinants of the current account, exchange rate management, international capital markets, and growth in the world economy. Topical issues: the formation of the Euro; debt and financial crisis in developing countries.
  • CAS EC 598: The Economics of Globalization
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CASEC201 or EC501, or equivalent; CASEC203 or EC303 or EC507, or equi valent; CASEC391 or EC591, or equivalent; CASMA121 or MA123 or CASMA12 7 or EC505, or equivalent; or consent of instructor. - Analyzes various facets of globalization from both theoretical and empirical perspectives, using tools from international trade theory. Topics include firm-level trade patterns, multinational production, foreign direct investment, the creation of global vertical supply chains, outsourcing, and offshoring.
  • CAS EC 701: Microeconomic Theory 1
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Neoclassical general equilibrium theory. Topics covered include consumption, production, existence of competitive equilibrium, fundamental welfare theorems, externalities, and uncertainty.
  • CAS EC 702: Macroeconomic Theory 1
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Introduction to topics and tools in macroeconomics. Dynamic programming and rational expectations; neoclassical growth and real business cycle models; investment and financial markets; analysis of frictional labor markets.
  • CAS EC 703: Microeconomic Theory 2
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Noncooperative game theory. Economics of information: adverse selection, signaling, principal agent problem, moral hazard and introduction to mechanism design.
  • CAS EC 704: Macroeconomic Theory 2
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Effects of taxation and government spending; monetary non-neutrality and nominal rigidities; optimal fiscal and monetary policy.
  • CAS EC 705: Introduction to Mathematical and Computational Economics
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - The first half of the course covers introductory real analysis, including metric spaces, correspondences, fixed point theorems, and convex analysis. The second half covers basic skills for programming and computation for economists, including basic programming, software engineering, and numerical methods.
  • CAS EC 707: Advanced Statistics for Economists
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Intermediate level probability and statistics course intended as preparation for econometrics and economic theory. Topics typically covered include random variables, moments, sampling, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and asymptotic theory in the context of univariate and multivariate models.
  • CAS EC 708: Advanced Econometrics 1
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC705 & GRSEC707) or consent of instructor. - Advanced treatment of econometric theory: projections, OLS, asymptotic theory, instrumental variables, GLS, heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust standard errors, multivariate systems, non-linear models, maximum likelihood, misspecified models, hypothesis testing, introduction to time series, unit root and cointegration, simultaneous equations, GMM.
  • CAS EC 709: Advanced Econometrics 2
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC708) or consent of instructor - Advanced course in econometrics with an emphasis on applications to cross-section, panel and time series data. Typically covers generalized method of moment and/or likelihood-based estimation in the context of limited dependent variable models, linear panel models, rational expectation models, structural vector autoregressions, and treatment effects.
  • CAS EC 711: Advanced Topics in Econometrics
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC708) or consent of instructor. - Advanced course in econometrics with an emphasis on recent topics of research in microeconometrics. Examples of topics covered include nonparametric estimation, bootstrap, partial and weak identification, nonseparable models, quantile and distributional methods, nonlinear panel data models, and structural estimation.
  • CAS EC 712: Time Series Econometrics
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC708) or consent of instructor. - Theory of stationary processes: models, estimation in the time and frequency domain, spectral analysis, asymptotic distribution, Kalman filter, VAR models. Non-stationary processes: functional central limit theorem, asymptotic results with unit roots, tests for unit roots, cointegrated systems, structural change models.
  • CAS EC 716: Game Theory
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC705) or a course in real analysis; or consent of instructor. - Noncooperative game theory with applications.
  • CAS EC 717: Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory 1
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC701) or consent of instructor. - Topics in microeconomic theory to be selected by course instructors. The first half of the course (Christophe Chamley) presents the recent literature on social learning, fads, herds, with applications. The second half presents recent literature on network theory, including network formation, diffusion, learning, and network games.
  • CAS EC 718: Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory 2
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC701) or consent of instructor. - Topics in microeconomic theory to be selected by course instructors. Areas include theory and applications of models of abstract choice, choice under uncertainty (risk, subjective uncertainty, ambiguity), choice over time, choice over menus. Critical analysis of key papers in the literature.
  • CAS EC 721: Topics in Development Economics 1
    Graduate Prerequisites: (GRSEC701 & GRSEC702) or consent of instructor. - Analytical approaches to development economics, using applications of contract theory, information economics, voting theory, and dynamic methods. Topics include credit, households, firms, networks, occupational choice and human capital investment, inequality and institutional dynamics, property rights, political competition, corruption and clientelism.