Adding or Dropping a Course

University Policy

Metropolitan College Policy

Courses with standard dates may be dropped up to the deadline posted on the Office of the University Registrar’s website, typically mid-term. The deadlines for courses with standard dates can be found at The deadlines for online classes with nonstandard dates can be found at

A course with standard dates dropped before the deadline for dropping without a W (Withdrew) will not appear on the student’s permanent record. After this deadline, a dropped course will appear on the student’s record as a W (Withdrew). Students should refer to the refund schedule on the Office of the University Registrar’s website to verify what portion of the course payment they are responsible for if they drop the course once the term begins.

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

Part-time students who reduce their course load (but remain registered) for the fall or spring term will have their accounts adjusted to reflect the difference between the original and reassessed tuition charges, subject to published refund policies. Students who choose to withdraw from all courses, or reduce their term registration by dropping some courses, should consult the Metropolitan College website or the term course schedule for deadlines and policies regarding tuition refunds.

Metropolitan College students who withdraw must file an official Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form by referencing this process. A leave of absence should be taken when the student intends to return in a future term; a withdrawal indicates a decision to permanently leave the University. Mere absence from classes does not reduce a student’s financial obligation nor guarantee that a final grade will not be recorded.

Upon receipt of the official Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form, the Office of the University Registrar will adjust the student’s account according to the Registrar’s published refund schedule. A table listing withdrawal deadline dates and percentage of refund allowed is published on the Registrar’s website for standard courses here, and for online courses here. A credit balance (overpayment) from a withdrawal, cash payment, and/or adjustment may be refunded. Guidelines are posted on the Student Accounting Services website.