BS in Criminal Justice

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Criminal Justice degree provides students with general knowledge in the methods and theories of social science and specialized preparation in the study of criminal activity, policing, criminal court procedures, corrections, and social policy related to crime control. The program may be completed on a full- or part-time basis.

Learning Outcomes

  • Proficient knowledge of theoretical perspectives of crime causation and their implications and applications for public policy and practice.
  • Specialized knowledge of content areas connected to domains within the administration of justice (law, policing, adjudication, and corrections) and specific crime- and justice-related social problems.
  • A foundation for conducting, interpreting, and evaluating research designs, as well as the quantitative and qualitative analytical methods for understanding crime- and justice-related social problems.
  • A capacity to recognize and analyze legal and ethical constraints, their implications for criminal justice policy- and decisionmakers, and the effect of justice policy and practice on diverse sets of values and groups in society.
  • An ability to synthesize, evaluate, and recognize implications, and communicate effectively using scholarly sources of information connected to crime theory and policy.

Admissions Information

For current admissions information, please visit the Metropolitan College website.

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan College are required to complete a minimum of 32 courses (128 units), including Hub requirements, major requirements, related courses, and electives.

Hub Requirements

All BU undergraduate students, including transfer students, will pursue coursework in the BU Hub, the University’s general education program that is integrated into the entire undergraduate experience. BU Hub requirements can be satisfied in a number of ways, including coursework in and beyond the major as well as through cocurricular activities. Students majoring in Criminal Justice and taking MET SO 300 will ordinarily satisfy BU Hub requirements in Social Inquiry I, Critical Thinking, and Research and Information Literacy.

Major and Related Courses

A total of 16 courses (64 units), completed with a grade of C or higher, is required.

Required Courses

The following six courses (24 units) are required:

  • MET CJ 101 Principles of Criminal Justice
  • MET CJ 251 Police and Society
  • MET CJ 271 Corrections: Concepts, Systems, and Issues
  • MET CJ 351 Criminal Law
  • MET CJ 352 Courts, Society, and Criminal Procedure
  • MET SO 201 Sociological Methods

Choose an additional seven courses (28 units) from the following (at least four of these courses must be at the 300 level or higher):

  • MET CJ 209 Crime and Delinquency
  • MET CJ 300 Applied Social Science Theory
  • MET CJ 305 Violence in the Family
  • MET CJ 344 Drugs and Society
  • MET CJ 491 Undergraduate Directed Study in Criminal Justice
  • MET CJ 510 Special Topics in Criminal Justice
  • MET CJ 511 Rehabilitation and Re-integration
  • MET CJ 531 Youth Crime Problems
  • MET PS 241 Developmental Psychology
  • MET PS 251 Psychology of Personality
  • MET PS 261 Social Psychology
  • MET SO 204 Contemporary Social Problems
  • MET SO 207 Sociology of Minority Groups
  • MET SO 300 Applied Social Science Theory
  • MET SO 308 Individual and Society
  • MET SO 335 Technology, Environment, and Society
  • MET UA 301 Introduction to Urban Affairs

Additional courses may be chosen with the department chair’s approval.

Related Courses

Three courses (12 units) from any department, with at least one at the 300 level or higher, selected with the advice and approval of the department chair, to supplement the curriculum and allow students to develop further specialization in such areas as computer sciences, foreign languages, psychology, sociology, and other closely related areas.


Electives are chosen with the advice of the department chair. The number of electives varies depending on transfer units.