MSD in Esthetic, Digital, and Operative Dentistry

The MSD program requires a minimum of one year in addition to the time commitment for the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) in Esthetic, Digital, and Operative Dentistry and entails a research project, thesis, and thesis defense.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will gain understanding and appreciation of the basic science of materials, analytical techniques, and research protocols required to critically analyze material processes, properties, and develop new materials and devices in craniofacial sciences.
  • Students will be able to critically analyze the current literature and propose new experimentation to address various issues relative to craniofacial diseases and treatment.
  • Students will be able to design a comprehensive proposal to investigate a specific hypothesis, conduct appropriate experimentation, and use statistical analysis to discuss the data.
  • Students will present their research at one local, national, or international meeting.
  • Students will write and defend a thesis based on the results of their project.
  • Students will be able to work with and advise healthcare professionals to critically analyze new materials, equipment, and techniques for patient treatment.

MSD Curriculum

In addition to the biomedical science and clinical requirements for the CAGS in Esthetic, Digital, and Operative Dentistry program, the following are required:

  • SDM OB 830 Research Writing
  • SDM PH 803 Biostatistics
  • SDM PR 830 Advanced Biomaterials
  • SDM RS 991 Research: Restorative Sciences

Completion is not tracked by unit accumulation but by successful completion of individual courses and duration requirements.

This year can be either before the CAGS or after the CAGS. This will be based on the recommendations of the chair of the department and the director of the program.

Other coursework may be assigned at the discretion of the research advisor and the department chair.