Transfer Units

School of Hospitality Administration Policy

Incoming transfer students, units, and coursework are evaluated by faculty in the corresponding BU academic departments and programs. The transfer unit evaluation is initiated and coordinated by the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). Transfer students are advised to refer to Boston University’s Transfer of Undergraduate Units from US Institutions policy.

Current School of Hospitality Administration students who wish to take courses at another accredited institution must file a Transfer Units Approval Form with the SHA Director of Student Services and receive approval from the appropriate BU department. An official transcript must be sent by the school to the SHA Director of Student Services before units are awarded. The following are also requirements to having a course transfer:

  • The course was completed at an accredited postsecondary institution
  • The grade earned is C or better
  • The content and depth of the course was similar to a course offered at Boston University

Units for specialization courses will be transferred at the discretion of the School of Hospitality Administration.

Transfer units are not granted for physical education, health, dance, or ROTC courses, or for activities such as orientation, choir, band, or student service.