Incorporating Health to Design Healthy and Sustainable Climate Solutions

SPH EH 727

Despite the fact that the climate warming effects of carbon dioxide were discovered in 1856, policy action has been inadequate to reduce anthropogenic drivers of climate change. Emissions from the energy, transportation, building and agricultural sectors contribute to climate change; these sectors also contribute heavily to other harms to health, including through air pollution, physical inactivity, inadequate nutrition, and others. This class will use Health Impact Assessment, Risk and Exposure Assessment, and Life Cycle Assessment to explore how different societal and economic sectors contribute to climate change, positive and negative health implications of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from these sectors, and measures to help society adapt to climate change. We will then give students training in climate communication, policy, and politics to enable results to be used in climate policymaking. Students will learn about the strategies and tools to apply this knowledge to evaluate a climate mitigation or adaptation strategy of their choosing, and to develop an implementation plan.

SPRG 2025 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Buonocore INS 201 W 10:00 am-12:50 pm First class meeting has occurred, instructor consent required to add prior to second class meeting. If you obtain instructor consent, please submit a SPH Add/Drop Form with the instructor's written permission to the SPH Reg Office.

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the MyBU Student Portal for the most up-to-date course information.