Social Work Courses in Other Knowledge Areas

In addition to taking courses in their major field of study (Clinical Practice or Macro Practice) students are also required to take courses in the social work knowledge areas of Human Behavior in the Social Environment (including a course on racial justice), Social Welfare Policy, Research in Social Work, and Social Work Practice Ethics. The following courses are available in these areas:

Human Behavior in the Social Environment Courses

  • SSW HB 720 Human Behavior in the Social Environment
  • SSW HB 723 Adult Psychopathology
  • SSW HB 727 Child Psychopathology
  • SSW HB 735 Racial Justice and Cultural Oppression
  • SSW HB 741 Family Violence in Society (not offered at Charles River Campus)
  • SSW HB 743 Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants
  • SSW HB 744 Spirituality and Social Work Practice
  • SSW HB 746 Resilience Across the Lifespan (not offered at Charles River Campus)
  • SSW HB 751 Human Neuropsychology
  • SSW HB 752 Exploring Race, Ethnicity, and Culture through Narratives: Clinical and Human Behavior Perspectives
  • SSW HB 756 The Aging Experience: Theoretical Perspectives and Contemporary Issues
  • SSW HB 757 Public Health Social Work: Core Concepts and Practical Applications
  • SSW HB 790 Reproductive Justice and Social Work

Social Welfare Policy Courses

  • SSW WP 700 Social Welfare Policy I: Conceptions, Scope, History, and Philosophies of Social Welfare
  • SSW WP 701 Social Welfare Policy II: Contemporary Social Policy Analysis
  • SSW WP 704 Social Policy and Programs on Aging
  • SSW WP 705 Mental Health and Social Policy
  • SSW WP 707 Social Welfare Policy and Programs on Children
  • SSW WP 710 Family Law and Children’s Rights
  • SSW WP 711 Substance Use and Social Policy
  • SSW WP 713 State Legislative Processes and Welfare Policy
  • SSW WP 720 Social Policy and the Family
  • SSW WP 725 Contemporary Housing Policy in the United States: Critical Challenges and Policy Solutions

Research Courses

  • SSW SR 743 Introduction to Social Work Research Methods I
  • SSW SR 744 Social Work Research Methods II

Social Work Practice Ethics Course

  • SSW ET 753 Ethics and the Social Work Profession