STEP 2: Submit your Syllabi

What’s a syllabus, anyway?
It’s an official outline and summary of topics covered in a course, usually including the instructor’s name, class location, course outline, content, expectations, and other important information.
Get started—the sooner, the better.
Starting early is the key to a smooth and easy credit evaluation process.
- Credits from a US college or university? We suggest submitting your documents shortly after applying to BU. Evaluation will begin as soon as you are admitted.
- Credits from an international university? You’re also encouraged to submit documents soon after applying. Evaluation will begin after you’ve been admitted and have submitted an enrollment deposit.
- Questions? Our credit advisors are happy to provide advice and answers to your questions, even before we start reviewing your syllabi. Send your questions to for US coursework, or to for international coursework.
Which syllabi should you submit?
We’ll need a separate syllabus for every course you want to receive credit for—both completed and current courses. Be sure to follow the instructions below for submitting this information. International students, please check the special instructions for students studying overseas.
Syllabi Submission Instructions
Missing a syllabus or two?
If you don’t have a syllabus for a course you took in the past, contact the school you attended and request a syllabus for the current version of the course. It’s rare to receive course credit without a syllabus. For questions, email us at
How and where to submit your syllabi
Please upload PDFs to the MyBU Applicant Portal on the “Application Status” page, and include your name and date of birth at the top of each page. When choosing how to upload your documents, select “Admissions” documents, and then choose “Syllabi” from the document type drop-down menu. See more special instructions for students studying overseas.
Other things you should know
- Your admission decision will not be influenced in any way by the syllabi you submit.
- An associate’s degree doesn’t take the place of course syllabi. You still need to submit every syllabus for evaluation.
Special instructions for students studying overseas
- If your course syllabi are written in a world language, please submit an official English translation along with the original document.
- If the overseas university you attend does not provide course syllabi, we will assist you. Please contact International Admissions at for help in transferring your credits.
- As international curricula may vary and may require additional documentation, international credit evaluations will be completed after you’ve been admitted and submitted an enrollment deposit. But we encourage you to submit your documents as soon as you have applied for transfer admission to BU.