Study Abroad
Grab a cup of coffee and a map.
You should spend some time considering study abroad, whether or not you ultimately go. Students often list it as a highlight of their undergraduate experience. They say that in addition to learning more about the world, they return with more confidence and new insight into themselves. And educational research tells us studying abroad is one of eleven high-impact educational practices.
Study abroad can be for anyone. Students from all of our schools spend time abroad. Some students do programs or internships related to their major, and other students take a semester to try something completely new.
You don’t need to speak another language to study abroad. BU has popular programs in English-speaking countries and programs in non-English speaking countries where the courses are taught in English.
Most financial aid can be used to study abroad (and sometimes a semester abroad is less expensive that a semester in Boston). Talk with Financial Assistance about financing your time abroad.
Where should you start?
- Explore the Study Abroad website. This can take some time, so settle in—get a cup of coffee, put on some music, whatever works for you—and see all of the different ways you can search for programs…by country, by language, by topic, by semester, and more.
- Meet with a Study Abroad advisor to learn more about programs that might interest you.
- Meet with your academic advisor to find out how study abroad can help you meet your degree requirements. In addition to earning credit and perhaps fulfilling major or minor requirements, you can also earn Hub units abroad.
- Talk with Financial Assistance if you have questions about how financial aid can help you study abroad.