Make an Appointment

Would you like to make an appointment with your Assistant Director of First-Year Success? Click the link below that corresponds with your major/your ADFYS. Check-in for on-campus appointments at 111 Cummington Mall, Suite 101.

Daniela GarcĂ­a Estrella – College of Arts and Sciences (Majors in the Social Sciences and Humanities)

Courtney Ianiro – College of Fine Arts; College of Communication; Wheelock College of Education & Human Development

Lucie Levine – Pardee School of Global Studies; Questrom School of Business

Xidan (Dandan) Liang – College of Arts and Sciences (Undeclared and Majors in the Sciences)

Tyler Rock – College of Arts and Sciences (Majors in Biology and Chemistry); Sargent College

Amanda Zinck – College of Engineering; Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences