Kilachand Honors College

I am an incoming first-year student, who’s my academic advisor?

You will be assigned a KHC advisor during summer 2024. You can expect to receive an email in mid-to-late May with guidance and information about when and how to register for fall 2024 classes. Registration for fall 2024 classes will open for incoming first-years on Mon. June 17, 2024. To learn more, visit Kilachand Academic Advising.

I am currently enrolled in classes at BU, who’s my academic advisor?

The names of your Kilachand Honors College advisor and your school/college advisor are available on the MyBU Student Portal under the “Academic Advising” link in “Academics.”

Who advises on degree and major requirements?

Kilachand students should consult with their academic advisor in their home school or college on major and degree requirements. Academic Advisor at Kilachand help students to:

  • identify and integrate their interests, strengths, and goals
  • craft a fulfilling and coherent advising plan
  • identify and access on-campus resources for opportunities and support
  • understand the intent of the Kilachand curriculum and integrate Kilachand and general education requirements
  • find a balance in managing the various aspects of their university experience
  • engage with community through leadership opportunities, hosting events, and enriching peer connections
Who advises on Hub requirements?

Kilachand students should consult with their major advisor and Kilachand advisor to ensure timely progress toward fulfilling Hub requirements.

How do I get in touch with Kilachand Student Services?

Kilachand Academic Advisors are available in the Kilachand Honors College Offices Monday to Friday from 9AM to 5PM. Students can drop in for brief questions and are encouraged to make an appointment using the online webform on the Kilachand website for in-depth questions. You can reach the Kilachand main offices at 617-358-5900 or by email at

How do I make an appointment with my advisor?

Email your advisor directly or use the online appointment webform on the Kilachand website.

If I have a question about a specific topic, where do I go?

Often you will have more than one possible source of information about a specific topic. And sometimes, if the topic is complex, you will be encouraged to consult with multiple people. The chart below gives you a starting place for common advising topics.


Degree Requirements
  • Kilachand Advisor
  • School/College Academic Advisor

Major Requirements
  • School/College Academic Advisor

Research Opportunities
  • Associate Director of Kilachand Honors College
  • Kilachand Faculty
  • UROP
  • School/College Academic Advisor

Academic Challenges
  • Kilachand Advisor