

We Want to Hear From You!

If you are a Detachment 355 alumni, please let us know! We seek to maintain a comprehensive history of Det 355 and create connections that will bring together a community of past, present, and future alumni. For the cadets, it serves as an excellent chance to show the Air Force and Space Force’s diverse opportunities and allows for contacts to certain career fields. For the alumni, it serves as a chance to see how your fellow alumni are doing, what career paths they have chosen, and where they are currently assigned. Join the Detachment 355 Alumni Facebook Group


Alumni Contact Form

Please take a few moments to complete the Alumni Contact FormWe maintain an Alumni Directory. If you would like your information added to the directory, just check the appropriate box on the form. You also may use this form if you want to update your information at any time.

We host a career day at least once per semester, showcasing different AFSCs by inviting personnel to talk about their careers in the Air Force and Space Force. If you would like to speak to our cadets at a Leadership Lab, please contact us using the form above.