HFI Laboratory at Boston University

Diets used by Those with HFI

Treatment of HFI is currently done through a strict fructose free diet. This involves exclusion of anything containing fructose, sucrose, or sorbitol. Although, implementation can be difficult, below are links to some helpful information.

Please be aware that these diets are often derived from personnal experiences of individuals with HFI and there ARE DISCREPANCIES. These differences may be part of the genetic variability in the disease, but MUCH more research in this area is needed.

Below are examples of diets currently in use by HFI patients.

                        Fructose Free Diet 1 (Reprinted by permission of Blackwell Science, Inc.)

                        Fructose Free Diet 2 (Personal communication from HFI family diagnosed by Dr. Tolan)

                        Fructose Free Diet 3 (A few suggestions from HFI Subjects)

                        Fructose Free Diet 4 (Miscellaneous information provided by HFIers to the BU-HFI Laboratory)

                        Book written by Debra & Bob Ledford about experiences with fructose malabsorption. Although, not to be confused with HFI, the avoidance of fructose in the diet is prescribed for both. This is a very useful book entitled, "Fructose Malabsorption The Survival Guide."

                        Stories written by HFI sufferers are posted on this new part of our support pages.

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