BU Asian Alumni Business Forum: time to get social

We’re only a few days away from the BU Asian Alumni Business Forum and we couldn’t be more excited. Want to share your excitement with your friends? Here’s how:

Take lots of pictures

Whether you’ll be using your professional DSLR, your Instax Mini or your handy phone camera, don’t forget to document every part of this epic weekend. We want to see it all.

Use the right hashtags

The official hashtag for this event is #BUAsianBiz, but don’t be afraid to use other widely known hashtags like #ProudToBU and #BUAlumni. You can also tag @BUAlumni on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Use the Instagram Stickers

We have three animated stickers on Instagram Stories ready to be used. Simply take a picture on your Story, click the sticker button on the top right & search “BUAsianBiz.”

Say you’re “going” on the Facebook Event

Let your Facebook friends know you’re headed to Thailand for an awesome weekend. Who knows, maybe they’ll be there too. You can find the Facebook Event here.

We can’t wait to see you!