A look inside the life of a foreign correspondent in China

Allen Wan (CAS’90) never thought he was going to be a journalist. He graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences in 1990 with a degree in political science and sought out numerous opportunities to expand his worldview while strengthening his communication skills. Today, he is Deputy Bureau Chief in Bloomberg’s Shanghai office and will be opening Bloomberg’s first office in Southern China in the coming months. He joined us on the podcast to explore his unique BU experience and provide insight into what it’s like to be a journalist embedded within the “black box” of China. 

If you would like to read a few of Allen’s most recent articles, check out his page on Bloomberg News

As you’ll hear, this episode of the podcast is hosted by Yoona Lee (Questrom’14) from BU Alumni Relations. Yoona oversees our efforts to keep alumni in Asia-Pacific connected to BU and to each other.

About the podcast:

The Proud to BU podcast highlights some of our most interesting and accomplished alumni and how their path to success began at Boston University.

Listen now or find the Proud to BU podcast on YouTube.