A message from ENG

Kenneth Lutchen
Dean, ENG

44 Cummington Mall
Boston, MA 02215

Support ENG

September 2021

Experiential learning lies at the heart of an engineering education and is critical for creating Societal Engineers. Thanks to you, more students at ENG were able to engage in these experiences this year than ever before.

Your generous support of our new Tool Kit approach to labs enabled all of our students, whether remote or on campus, to complete their courses with the required components, from digital oscilloscopes to Arduino boards. Your gifts opened up remote summer research opportunities in faculty labs to replace lost in-person internships. And they helped us expand our Technology Innovation Scholars Program (TISP) nationwide via Zoom, introducing more K–12 students in underserved areas to STEM projects.

For all of this and much more, we are immensely grateful.

We have ambitious plans as we prepare to return to a full residential campus this fall, buoyed by a huge increase in student enrollments: the Class of 2025 is the largest in the college’s history.

In these times of transition, our commitment to training Societal Engineers is particularly important. Your continued contributions to ENG’s annual funds can help us do so.

Here are some of our top priorities.

Support for the College of Engineering Fund:

• Members of our large incoming freshman class will need Tool Kits to complete their lab courses. They cost $200 apiece. Would you help them launch their ENG careers by purchasing one or more of these kits?
• ENG’s creation of cutting-edge “maker” facilities is driving many more students to innovate. At the new Bioengineering Technology & Entrepreneurship Center (BTEC), students apply engineering methods to biological systems. At the Engineering Product Innovation Center (EPIC), they learn how to develop and manufacture new products. Gifts of $100 or more will provide one or more students with the supplies they need for these projects.
• Students in our Summer Term Alumni Research Scholars program (STARS) work in the labs of distinguished faculty. A gift of $5,000 will support one student’s housing needs for the summer and enable you to develop a personal relationship with the student.

Support for the Societal Engineering Fund:

• Increasing numbers of ENG students are being trained as TISP Inspiration Ambassadors, bringing STEM projects to K–12 students nationwide. A gift of $2,500 will provide a stipend to an Inspiration Ambassador for an academic year.

Annual fund gifts also support numerous ENG student experiential groups and clubs. We ask you to join us as we return to campus, proud of the resilience of the ENG community for not just persevering but developing new approaches to learning throughout the past year. Your support will help us apply those new insights as we move forward, and it will have a direct impact on the quality of our students’ experience. Again, we are grateful for gifts, at all levels, not only gifts related to the above options.

With gratitude,

Kenneth R. Lutchen
Dean, College of Engineering

PS: Please visit bu.edu/give2eng to support ENG today.