Cheryl Boots: “Earthly Strains: The Cultural Work of Protestant Sacred Music in Three Nineteenth-Century Novels.” (Richard Fox)

Roger House: “‘Keys to the Highway’: William ‘Big Bill’ Broonzy and the Chicago Blues in the Era of the Great Migration.” (Marilyn Halter)

William D. Moore: “Structures of Masculinity: Masonic Temples, Material Culture, and Ritual Gender Archetypes in New York State 1870-1930.” (Keith Morgan)

Rebecca Noel: “Schooling the Body: The Intersection of Educational and Medical Reform in New England, 1800-1860.” (Richard Fox)

Christopher Walsh: “Craven Images: Cowardice in American Literature from the Revolution to the Nuclear Era.” (Saul Bellow)


Hina Hirayama: “‘A True Japanese Taste’: Construction of Knowledge about Japan in Boston, 1880-1900.” (Keith Morgan)

Lori Kenschaft: “Marriage, Gender, and Higher Education: The Personal and Public Partnership of Alice Freeman Palmer and George Herbert Palmer 1886-1902.” (Richard Fox)

Theodore Landsmark: “‘Haunting Echoes’: History as an Exhibition Strategy for Collecting 19th African-American Crafts.” (Patricia Hills)

David Shawn: “The Transformation of Oratory in Antebellum America: Democrats, Demagogues, and the Quest for Citizenship.” (Susan Mizruchi)


Michael Sokolow: “‘What a Miserable Life A Seafaring Life is’: The Life and Experience of a Nineteenth Century Mariner of Color.” (Marilyn Halter)


David Brody: “Fantasy Realized: The Philippines, Orientalism, and Imperialism in Turn of the Century American Visual Culture.” (Patricia Hills)

Elizabeth De Wolfe: “‘Erroneous Principles, Base Deceptions, and Pious Frauds’: Anti-Shaker Writing, Mary Marshall Dyer, and the Public Theater of Apostasy.” (Nina Silber)

Holly Izard: “Another Place in Time: The Material and Social Worlds of Sturbridge, MA from Settlement to 1850.” (Richard Candee)

Elizabeth Nix: “An Exuberant Flow of Spirits: Antebellum Adolescent Girls in the Writing of Southern Women.” (Nina Silber)

Erik Trump: “The Indian Industries Land and its Support of American Indian Arts, 1893-1922: The Study of Changing Attitudes Toward Indian Women and Assimilationist Policy.” (Patricia Hills)


Nina Allen: “Thomas Hart and John Steinbeck: Popular Realism in Depression Era 1939-1941.” (William Vance)

Amadou Bissiri: “The Artist-Figure in Tennessee Williams’ Plays: A Contextual Approach.” (David Wagenknecht)

Shitsuyo Masui: “Reading Hawthorne in the Context of Popular American Religion.” (Susan Mizruchi)

Allison Scott: “‘These Notions I Imbibed From Writers’: The Reading Life and Times of Mary Ann Wodrow Archbold, 1762-1841.” (Mark Peterson)


Jeanie Cooper Carson: “Interpreting National Identity in Time of War: Competing Views in Office of War Information (OWI) Photographs 1940-1945.” (Kim Sichel)

Martha McNamara: “Disciplining Justice: Massachusetts Courthouses and the Legal Profession, 1750-1850.” (Robert St. George)

Elizabeth Reilly: “Common and Learned Readers: Shared and Separate Spheres in mid-Eighteenth Century New England.” (David Hall)

Kimberly Wallace-Sanders: “Peculiar Motherhood: The Black Mammy Figure in American Literature and Popular Iconography 1824-1965.” (David Hall)


Douglas Kendall: “In the Shadow of the Great Elm: Wethersfield, CT in Transition 1850-1920.” (Shirley Wajda)

Peyton Paxson: “Charles William Post: The Mass Marketing of Health and Welfare.” (Saul Engelbourg)

Nora Small: “Beauty and Convenience: The Architectural Recording of Rural Central Massachusetts 1790-1830.” (Robert St. George)

Charles Venable: “A Craft in Industry: Silversmithing in American 1840-1940.” (Keith Morgan)


Jane Becker: “Selling Tradition: The Domestication of Southern Appalachian Culture in 1930s America.” (Robert St. George)

Leonard Travers: “‘The Brightest Day in Our Calendar’: Independence Day in Boston and Philadelphia, 1777-1826.” (Alan Taylor)


Sue Wheeler Friday: “Families of New Bedford, Massachusetts 1787-1861.” (Sam Bass Warner)

Mary Julia Grant: “Modernizing Motherhood: Child Study Clubs and the Parent Education Movement 1915-1944.” (Joyce Antler)


Paul Atwood: “The United States and Costa Rica, 1945-1960: The Containment of Liberal Nationalism.” (Arnold Offner)



Recent Dissertations

