PhD Candidate Biological Anthropology


Graduated May 2024

Research Interests

Stress, life history theory; attachment theory; health

Social Media & Websites

Connect with me on Twitter: @jesshlay

The Utila Child Health Project


I’m currently a PhD student on the biological track. I earned my undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and Psychology at Penn State University in 2018, where I conducted research in both departments. Here at Boston University, I continue my research in Dr. Carolyn Hodges-Simeon’s lab. Broadly, I am interested in how individual differences in attachment styles, environments, and health affect life history strategies and reproductive outcomes.

Currently, I am researching how environments and immune function influence individual variation in pathogen and sexual disgust levels, and how this can result in health-protective behaviors.

Awards & Grants

  • Cora du Bois Fellowship. (July 2023).
  • BU Center for Innovation in Social Science (CISS) Travel Awards. (Summer 2023).
  • NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) #2149052. Study: Ontogenetic and environmental origins of pathogen disgust sensitivity. (2022).
  • NSF Research Experience for Graduate Students Grant. (2021).  Study: How & when do children acquire disgust?
  • Remote Teacher Training Professional Development. (2020)
  • Department of Anthropology Summer Research Grant. (2020).
  • Department of Anthropology Summer Research Grant. (2019).
  • Boston University Dean’s Fellowship. (2018-2021).
  • Penn State Liberal Arts Enrichment Grant, Study: Stress & Competition. (2018).


  • Albert, G., Wells, E., Arnocky, S., Liu, C.H., Hlay, J.K., Hodges-Simeon, C.R. (2022). Does Men’s Facial Sexual Dimorphism Affect Male Observers’ Selective Attention? Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.
  • Hlay, J.K., Albert, G., Waldron, K., Batres, C., Richardson, G., Placek, C., Arnocky, S.A., Hodges-Simeon, C.R. (2022). A cross-cultural analysis of the relationship between disgust and sociosexuality. Evolution and Human Behavior.
  • Albert, G., Hlay, J.K., Chen, M., Wells, E., Arnocky, S.A., Hong Liu, C., Hodges-Simeon, C.R. (2022). ​​Masculinized Faces are Perceived as More Dangerous, but Are Not More Memorable. Human Ethology.
  • Hlay, J.K., Johnson, B.N., Levy, K.N. (2022). Attachment security predicts tend-and-befriend behaviors: A replication. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.
  • Albert, G., Richardson, G.B., Arnocky, S.A., Senveli, Z., Hlay, J.K., Hodges-Simeon, C.R. (2022). The psychometric evaluation of the intrasexual competition scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
  • Hlay, J. K., Albert, G., Batres, C., Richardson, G., Placek, C., Arnocky, S., Lieberman, D., & Hodges-Simeon, C. R. (2021). The evolution of disgust for pathogen detection and avoidance. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1–12.
  • Levy, K.N., Hlay, J.K., Johnson, B.N., Witmer, C.P. (2019). An attachment theoretical perspective on tend-and-befriend stress reactions. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1-14.