Antiracist Futures

What does an antiracist future look like? What does a world that meets the needs of everyone feel like? What would our relationship be with the land and with our neighbors? What kind of world is possible if we organize collectively to abolish racism?

These questions inspired us at the Center for Antiracist Research to imagine. A joyful future. Where love guides us, not fear. Where justice spreads, not violence.

Thank you to Lo’s team and colleagues for bringing this video to life, and much gratitude to our community partners for co-imagining this beautiful future with us and fighting every day to make it a reality.



Check out our socials to interact with the video and share your own thoughts on what an antiracist future means to you.

Lo Harris

  • Artist + Creative Direction: Lo Harris
  • Producer: Alston Bowman 
  • Production Coordinator: Brittany Johnson 
  • Animation: The team at Amanda Godreau 
  • Animatic: Rudy Schultz 
  • Original Music: Nathan Greenberg 

Community Partners