
At the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, we seek to eradicate systemic racism across the United States by conducting rigorous original research into the root causes of racial inequities, translating those insights into stories that everyone can understand, supporting grassroots advocacy and local communities, and developing policy recommendations to address structural issues at the source. 

While we are hopeful, we know that the journey to an antiracist future will take some time. With friends and supporters like you, we can build on our momentum and sustain our movement in the long-term. 

As Dr. Ibram X. Kendi said in the Center’s one year anniversary celebration video, “We believe the impossible is possible and that we can help build the world anew.” Please consider making a gift to the Center for Antiracist Research and help us make an antiracist society possible.

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Click below to hear from Hugo J. Aparicio, Faculty Lead of the Research & Policy Teams Program, about some of our recent antiracist research.


At the Center, one of many things we do with our antiracist research is develop policy recommendations to address structural issues at the source. Hear from Neda A. Khoshkhoo, Associate Director of Policy on the work we’ve done in the past year. 


Did you know we reimagined the original abolitionist, antislavery papers and launched The Emancipator this year? Hear from Deborah D. Douglas, co-editor-in-chief, about why this publication exists and why changing the narrative matters for an antiracist society. 


Listen in as Rachael DeCruz, Associate Director of Advocacy, shares with us how we are coalition building and supporting grassroots activists through The Antiracist Society, Research Affiliate program, and other resources for our communities.  


Thank you for considering making a gift to the Center for Antiracist Research today. Together, we can make an antiracist society possible. We can’t do it without you! 

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