
The Center for Antiracist Research compiles and shares the latest news in racial policy, antiracism research, and social justice from around the globe, the country, and the neighborhood.

What is preventing Black and Brown people from being promoted at U.S. tech companies? Antiracist Tech Initiative Publishes New Paper

What is preventing Black and Brown people from being promoted at U.S. tech companies? A new paper from the BU Center for Antiracist Research's Antiracist Tech Initiative (ATI) strives to answer this research question.  Rather than focusing on "the pipeline problem,” a forthcoming paper co-authored by Dr. Sanaz Mobasseri, ATI’s faculty lead, More

Addressing Racialized Harms of Incarceration: CAR’s Caitlin Glass Testified in front of Massachusetts Legislative Committee

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, Caitlin Glass, the Policy Program Director at the BU Center for Antiracist Research, testified before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary. In her testimony, Glass shared CAR’s research and policy work regarding racism in the administration of felony murder laws, accomplice liability, and extreme... More

Police, metal detectors wrong answer in Boston Public Schools. Andrew King, post-doctoral associate in the CAR Policy Office, and colleagues publish oped in Commonwealth.

As Drew King (CAR) and his co-authors, Jakira Rogers (Massachusetts Advocates for Children) and Erin Stewart (CFJJ) show: "The poll only presented metal detectors and school police, two flawed approaches that don’t improve school safety, as solutions to school safety concerns. This ignores the broad and diverse range of evidence-based, school... More