Practice Guidelines for Managing Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium

withdrawal delirium can cause serious morbidity and mortality if
not treated appropriately. To inform clinical practice, researchers
conducted a structured review and meta-analysis (including 9 prospective
controlled trials) and developed evidence-based guidelines for
managing alcohol withdrawal delirium.

with neuroleptics, sedative-hypnotics were more effective at decreasing
mortality (in 2 trials that had any deaths), and at shortening
the duration of delirium (in 3 of 4 trials). In 2 studies reporting
the time required to control agitation, intravenous diazepam was
better than paraldehyde per rectum in 1, but intramuscular diazepam
was no different from oral barbital in the other.

on these findings and review of other data, the researchers recommended
the following:

  • providing
    comprehensive monitoring and supportive care
  • using parenteral,
    rapid-acting sedative-hypnotics (preferably benzodiazepines due
    to their more favorable therapeutic/toxic index) to achieve light
  • considering
    pentobarbital or propofol if agitation is not controlled with
    initial large doses of benzodiazepines (based on case reports)
  • considering
    neuroleptics only when the patient has continued agitation, disturbed
    thinking, or perceptual disturbances despite sedative-hypnotic



practice guidelines outlined in this paper are very practical

and reasonable. Although the studies examined are limited

(the 9 trials were all published before 1979, 5 of the

included fewer than 20 subjects per treatment group, and

conclusions about mortality were based on only 9 deaths),

the evidence and years of clinical experience with these

drugs support the use of sedative-hypnotics, primarily

for alcohol withdrawal delirium.

L. Kraemer, MD, MSc



MF, Beecher LH, Fischer TL, et al. Management of alcohol

withdrawal delirium: an evidence-based practice guideline.

Arch Intern Med. 2004;164(13):1405–1412.

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