Emma Schlauder wins Fulbright Scholarship

Archaeology senior Emma Schlauder (CAS’19) has been awarded a J. William Fulbright Scholarship for study in the United Kingdom.  A double major in Archaeology and History, with a minor in Classical Civilization, Emma will use the prestigious award to attend the University of Sheffield’s MSc program in Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology in fall 2019. The Sheffield program combines scientific archaeology, through the analysis of human skeletal remains, with the cultural study of grave goods. Emma is no stranger to studying abroad. In 2016, she participated in the BU Field School in Archaeology and Heritage Management in Menorca, Spain. She also attended a summer study program in Greece and a semester of study in Copenhagen.  Last summer she participated in the ostearchaeology field school in Denmark, sponsored by the University of South Denmark, where she excavated human burials in the Haagerup cemetery (ca. 1100–1555 CE) on the island of Fyn.

Congratulations on winning a Fulbright, Emma!