Call for Papers: Historical Archaeologies of the African Diaspora in the Americas

Historical Archaeologies of the African Diaspora in the Americas: Junior Scholars Symposium 

Boston University 

Spring 2021 – Call for Papers

Call for paper due February 5th, 2021.


The Program in Archaeology, Program in African American Studies, and Department of Anthropology at Boston University invite junior scholar proposals for research presentations and a panel discussion on the topic of Historical Archaeologies of the African Diaspora in the Americas.  

Presentations will be part of one of two, two-hour junior scholar symposium showcasing the work of doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows, and assistant professors from racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in the academy, which include people who are of Black/African American, Native American/Alaska Native, Latinx, and/or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander descent.  

These two panels will bring together emerging scholars and senior scholar discussants to discuss the experiences and priorities of historical archaeologists studying the African Diaspora throughout the Americas, as well as successes and complexities of engaging with diverse stakeholders in community-facing archaeological research. Due to the current pandemic, both panels will be conducted virtually will and be open to the public in a webinar-style format. A modest honorarium for all participants is offered by Boston University. At each panel, junior scholars will present their research as a conference-style talk of 15-20 minutes, followed by a keynote presentation from a seniorscholar and a panel discussion led by that scholar and members of Boston University’s Archaeology Program, African American Studies Program, and Department of Anthropology. 

The panelswill be scheduled according to the availability of participants, with one to take place in early March and one in late April. 

What to Submit: 

  • An abstract of 200-300 words describing your proposed research presentation. 
  • A cover letter that summarizes your professional interests and goals; indicates progress toward completion of the dissertation (for doctoral students); and discusses one’s contribution to making the academy a more inclusive environment. 
  • Current CV

Where and When to Submit: 

Materials should be sent as a PDF to Maria Sousa, Archaeology Program Administrator ( by February 5, 2021. Participants will be notified of acceptance by February 15, 2020. 

Questions may be addressed to John Marston, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Archaeology Program (