Archaeology minors have the opportunity to work closely with faculty on field projects, in analytical labs, and in the classroom, gaining knowledge and expertise in archaeological research and cultural heritage issues that prepare them for a range of career options. In addition to instruction in the specific skills necessary in our discipline, Archaeology minors acquire analytical and writing skills that are valuable in many different fields. They learn how to understand differences and shared aspects of human cultures and their interaction with the world around them, how to recognize the importance of cultural heritage, and how archaeology, museums, and cultural heritage studies play an important role in international relations, territorial claims, nationalistic movements, and other aspects of the modern world.


Students with majors in other programs may earn a minor in Archaeology by completing the following courses (all 4 credits) with a grade of C or better:

  • CAS AR 190 Introduction to Archaeology (former AR101)
  • CAS AR 307 Archaeological Science
  • Four additional 4-credit CAS AR courses, of which no more than one can be at the 100 level, and one must be at the 400–500 level

Declare Minor in Archaeology

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Robert E. Murowchick

Lecturer of Archaeology, Director, Archaeology Undergraduate Studies