In Memoriam

Symposia in Honor of Mary Beaudry Recordings

The Symposium of April 22nd in honor of Mary Beaudry, “Findings: Material Culture and the Immaterial recording is on YouTube and photos on Google Photos. The Symposium of April 30th in honor of Mary Beaudry, “Pots And Pans, Bodkins And Trowels: Reflections On Mary Beaudry” recording is on YouTube.

Memorial bench for Professor Rodolfo Fattovich

Colleagues and friends of the late Archaeologist Rodolfo Fattovich gathered together on Saturday May 4, 2019 to dedicate a park bench placed in the South Natick Dam Park in his honor by his colleague of many years, BU Professor Kathryn Bard. Situated in a spot overlooking the Charles River that Rodolfo often frequented the cathedra-like […]


Professor Bard publishes a new book “Seafaring Expeditions to Punt in the Middle Kingdom Excavations at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis, Egypt”

Archaeology Professor Kathryn Bard with co-author, Rodolfo Fattovich, August 2018 published the book Seafaring Expeditions to Punt in the Middle Kingdom, Excavations at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis, Egypt.  From the series Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, Volume: 96 In the 12th Dynasty (ca. 1985-1773 BC) the Egyptian state sent a number of seafaring expeditions […]

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The members of the Department of Archaeology mourn the death of Professor Rodolfo Fattovich

Professor Rodolfo Fattovich (Trieste 1945 – Rome 2018) worked closely with Professor Kathryn Bard for 25 years. He regularly visited the Department of Archaeology at Boston University for a month or more every year to work with colleagues. He held a Visiting Professorship in the Archaeology Department and was a frequent lecturer in BU’s African Studies Center. […]