Recruitment Committee

Faculty | ARROWS Recruitment Committee

The ARROWS Recruitment Committee allows women STEM faculty candidates to meet with women STEM faculty members already working at Boston University, so that candidates can ask faculty members informal, candid questions about working at BU and living in Boston as a professional STEM woman.

These meetings are non-evaluative and separated from the faculty search process. Participating faculty have no influence whatsoever on the candidate’s hiring process or committee and everything the candidate discusses with participating faculty is strictly confidential. If your department is interested in scheduling a meeting between a woman faculty candidate and a participating faculty member, please contact or the ARROWS Administrator, Cristian Morales, at Because it takes time to confirm schedules, please contact us sooner rather than later, as short-notice requests may not be able to be arranged in time.

Please note that this service is only provided to the departments listed below:

  • College of Arts & Sciences: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth & Environment, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Psychological & Brain Sciences
  • College of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Sargent College: Health Sciences