466 Student Groups Can’t Be Wrong
For students wanting to get involved in student life at BU, the problem isn’t finding an interesting club — it’s figuring out how many to join. And with 466 student organizations at BU, that process can get a little overwhelming.
To help aspiring members find the right fit, the Student Activities Office will host its annual Fall Activities Expo this afternoon, in the George Sherman Union’s Metcalf Hall. Representatives from about 170 student organizations will be available from 2 to 6 p.m. to talk with students about their clubs’ missions, events, and membership requirements.
“It’s a great opportunity for new students and transfers, as well as returning students, to get involved,” says Jessica Sklodowski (CAS’08), an activities assistant at SAO.
Each participating organization has a table, set up alphabetically, where they can display posters, have sign-up sheets, and hand out flyers, candy, and other giveaways.Students can take advantage of the opportunity to discover new interests or activities says Sklodowski. Some groups advertise upcoming meetings or sell tickets to events; this month’s schedule includes the International Students Consortium’s Moonlight Cruise on Friday, September 21, and the first meetings for several cultural groups: the black students’ union, UMOJA, meets today, September 19, the India Club meets on September 21, and the Vietnamese Student Association meets on Tuesday, September 25.
In addition, 11 organizations, including the slam-poetry group Speak for Yourself, the Irish step-dancing group Step About Boston, and the Dance Theatre Group, which offers classes in various dance styles, will perform. Other groups attending range from fraternities and sororities to residence hall associations and student governments.
But if none of the 466 existing organizations feels like a good fit, SAO offers another option: creating your own. More information and forms are available at the SAO Web site.
Rebecca McNamara can be reached at ramc@bu.edu.