Bad Neighborhoods: Europe’s Crisis and the Challenges of its Peripheries: A Conversation with Jacques Rupnik and Jolyon Howorth

5:00 pm on Thursday, March 24, 2016
6:30 pm on Thursday, March 24, 2016
Pardee School of Global Studies, 121 Bay State Road
1st Floor
Contact Organization:
Center for the Study of Europe
Contact Name:
Elizabeth Amrien
Contact Phone:
Jacques Rupnik,Jolyon Howorth
Join us for a conversation with Jacques Rupnik, Director of Research at the Centre de Recherches Internationale (CERI) at Sciences Po, France, where he also serves as Professor of Political Science, and Jolyon Howorth, Visiting Professor of Political Science, Yale University. Rupnik is also a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. Beyond academia, he has held numerous positions advising on Eastern and Southeastern Europe. During the Balkans wars of the 1990's, he was Executive Director of the International Commission for the Balkans and drafted its report Unfinished Peace. As member of the Independent International Commission on Kosovo, he co-drafted The Kosovo Report. Rupnik was an advisor to Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic. he has most recently published: Dernier ouvrage: 1989 as a Political World Event: democracy, Europe and the new international system in the age of globalization (Routledge, 2014) and Géopolitique de la démocratisation, l'Europe et ses voisinages (Presses de Sciences Po, 2014). Howorth is Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics ad personam and Emeritus Professor of European Studies at the University of Bath (UK). He has published extensively in the field of European politics and history, especially security and defense policy and transatlantic relations. Recent books include: Security and Defence Policy in the European Union (Palgrave, 2nd edition 2014); Defending Europe: the EU, NATO and the Quest for European Autonomy (Palgrave, 2003, edited with John Keeler); European Integration and Defence: the Ultimate Challenge? (Paris, WEU-ISS, 2000). His current research focuses on power transition in the contemporary world with particular reference to the relative status of the European Union. This event takes place as part of EU Futures, a series of conversations exploring the emerging future in Europe. The EU Futures project is supported by a Getting to Know Europe Grant from the European Commission Delegation in Washington, DC.