Motion Art

8:00 pm on Thursday, March 24, 2016
9:00 pm on Thursday, March 24, 2016
808 Gallery, 808 Commonwealth Avenue
Contact Organization:
Dance Theatre Group
Contact Name:
Stefanie Gordon
Motion Art is a site-specific performance that showcases the talents of dancers, singers, musicians, poets, and visual artists to highlight the power of artistic collaboration. The performance will feature student art-makers at BU from student groups and classes. The even will be hosted by Dance Theatre Group in collaboration with the Dance Department and Arts Initiative. The project is supported in part by an "Arts Grant from the BU Arts Initiative -- Office of the Provost." Guides will lead the audience in rotation around the space, thus there will be no seating. The performance is free and open to the general public, although we encourage our audience members to leave a donation to help Dance Theatre Group raise money for our trip to the American College Dance Association conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information, please see Dance Theatre Group's facebook page or the BU Arts Initiative website.