BU Arts Admin goes to Bridge Rep


I am inviting you to come see Bridge Repertory Theater of Boston’s Mud Blue Sky — Producing Artistic Director Olivia D’Ambrosio, and Assistant Director Rebecca Miller, are fellow Arts Admin students!

After spending many a grad class discussing how to manage a theatre organization, I decided to reach out to the Boston theatre scene and put what I had learned to use. To my luck, Olivia responded with an opportunity to create this event. Bridge Rep is an incredible company, and they offer a successful organizational model. Furthermore, now that the semester is over, we finally have time to enjoy and engage with art! What better way to celebrate the end of spring semester than seeing a thoughtful and hilarious piece of theater?

The best part is, Bridge Rep is offering $10 discounted tickets for Boston University Arts Administration students, faculty, staff, alumni, etc., in addition to the greater Boston University community. Please purchase your tickets through this site!

Let me know if you need more information (rsacks@bu.edu).

Thanks, and I’m excited to see you all there!

Rachel Sacks

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Image Credit: Bridge Repertory Theater, 2016, poster image for MUD BLUE SKY