OPPORTUNITIES: International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS9) 9th Biennial Conference


The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS9) 9th Biennial Conference will be held in Adelaide July 5-9 2015. The conference will run over five days, and there will also be special sessions for post grad students.

ICAS9 boasts the unique feature of also being held in conjunction with the annual/biennial conferences of the Malaysia and Singapore Society of Australia (MASSA) the South Asian Studies Association of Australia (SASAA), the Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) and the active support of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA). It will be a truly international event on an unprecedented scale.

We therefore invite your members to organise panels and round tables, present papers and be a part of this rare opportunity, either via general submission using the ASAA as organising body, or any of the other participating organisations such as CSAA, MASSA or SASAA. All participants will be free to attend almost all sessions by any of the participating associations.

The call for abstracts for individual papers, panels and workshops closes 15 February 2015 so you have time to invite colleagues from around the world to join you.

Feel free to visit the ICAS9 Convention website to learn more or contact the coordinators.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Dr Gerry Groot
Convenor – ICAS 9 Adelaide 2015 http://www.icas9.com/
The International Convention of Asia Scholars
Head of Discipline & Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies,
Department of Asian Studies, School of Social Sciences, Rm 643 Wills Building
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph: +61 8 8313 4312
e-mail: gerry.groot@adelaide.edu.au