Upcoming Events

Defying Boundaries Women in Japanese Art (at the RISD Museum, Providence RI, April 27 – November 4, 2024)

Defying Boundaries: Women in Japanese Art

April 27 - November 4, 2024

Asian Gallery Japanese Prints (RA 602A)

Rhode Island School of Design Museum, 20 N Main St, Providence, RI 02903

Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国. Parrot Komachi (あふむ小まち Ōmu Komachi), 1810. From the series Modern Girls as the Seven Komachi (今やう娘七小町 Imayō musume nana Komachi) Imayo musume nana komachi. Rhode Island School of Design Museum Bequest of Isaac C. Bates, Object Number 13.1405.

This exhibition addresses often-overlooked histories and stories of women in Japanese art. Marginalized in modern and historical accounts that focused on men, these women were nevertheless very much present in Japanese visual culture. From warriors and poets memorialized in prints to pioneering Japanese artists, these works offer glimpses of those who broke boundaries and inspired generations of artists and illustrators.

Also portrayed in this exhibition are famous performers of female roles, or onnagata 女方. When women were banned from acting in the Kabuki theater in 1629, some male actors began specializing in women’s parts, redefining the concept of femininity in their time. Female impersonators became arbiters of style and models of femininity, both onstage and offstage.

–Wai Yee Chiong, curator of Asian art

For additional details, see https://risdmuseum.org/exhibitions-events/exhibitions/defying-boundaries

RISD Museum is supported by a grant from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and with the generous partnership of the Rhode Island School of Design, its Board of Trustees, and Museum Governors.

The Belt Road and Beyond: State-Mobilized Globalization in China, 1998-2018

The BU Center for the Study of Asia is pleased to present
A Conversation with BU Professor of International Relations Min Ye on her new book
The Belt Road and Beyond: State-Mobilized Globalization in China, 1998-2018 (Cambridge University Press, 2020)

Hosted by Professor Grant Rhode (BUCSA and US Naval War College)

Tune in to this superb analysis of the Belt and Road Initiative by Pardee School Associate Professor Min Ye!  Her recent research has focused on the historic precedents for the BRI within China, and the complex interplay of Chinese party, state, and local actors in implementing the BRI vision.  Her resulting book The Belt Road and Beyond: State-Mobilized Globalization in China, 1998-2018, documents her often surprising findings with a focus on Chinese domestic aspects of the BRI, in contrast to the many studies focusing on BRI's international impacts.  In this interview, conducted by BUCSA associate Grant Rhode, Professor Ye discusses what she has found out through her research during the past six years, and also includes comments on the impact of the current COVID crisis and implications for the future of the BRI.

BUCSA Forum 2020 was created by the Boston University Center for the Study of Asia as an engaging online platform for the presentation and discussion of materials related Asian culture, politics and society.




Min Ye is the author of The Belt, Road and Beyond: State-Mobilized Globalization in China 1998-2018 (Cambridge University Press 2020), Diasporas and Foreign Direct Investment in China and India (Cambridge University Press 2014), and the Making of Northeast Asia (with Kent Calder, Stanford University Press, 2020). Her articles, “Fragmentation and Mobilization: Domestic Politics of China’s Belt and Road”, “Competing Cooperation in Asia Pacific: TPP, RCEP, and the New Silk Road”, and “Conditions and Utility of Diffusion by Diasporas” have appeared in Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Journal Asian Studies, and Journal of East Asian Studies.

Ye was the director of East Asian Studies program from 2010 to 2014 and launched the new major in Asian Studies at Boston University. She also served as a visiting scholar at Fudan University, Zhejiang University, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in China, as well as Rajiv Gandhi Foundation in India, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the National University of Singapore. Ye has consulted Chinese state-owned companies and private companies on outbound investment. In addition, she served as the Pardee School Director of Undergraduate Studies from 2017 to 2019.

Ye has received grants and fellowships in the U.S and Asia, including a Smith Richardson Foundation grant (2016-2018), East Asia Peace, Prosperity, and Governance fellowship (2013), Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program postdoctoral fellowship (2009-2010), Millennium Education Scholarship in Japan (2006), and the Rosenberg Scholarship at Suffolk University (2020). In 2014-2016, the National Committee on the U.S-China Relations selects Min Ye as a Public Intellectual Program fellow.

Grant F. RHODE (e-mail: gfrhode@bu.edu) teaches and researches at the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University and at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. He is Associate in Research at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University and Faculty Affiliate of the China Maritime Studies

Institute of the U.S. Naval War College. He has been a Visiting Scholar in Taiwan at both National Chengchi University and National Taiwan University. He completed graduate work in Chinese studies at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and holds MALD and PhD degrees in International Relations and Asian Diplomatic History from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.

Dr. Rhode’s current research focuses on China’s role in historical and contemporary Eurasian maritime affairs. On the historical front, he is writing a book on Eurasian Maritime History for Global Strategists: Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road. On the contemporary front, Dr. Rhode helps lead Boston University’s conversations on China’s Belt and Road Initiative, including conferences at the Pardee School By Land and By Sea: China’s Belt and Road in Europe (2019) and Assessing China’s Signature Foreign Policy: the Expanding Belt and Road Initiative (2020).

BUCSA Asia Forum, an online dialogue on Asian affairs

an exciting online platform for the presentation and discussion of materials related to Asian culture, politics and society. A growing number of other items are in the works, including interviews and discussions that we plan to upload to the BUCSA website in the coming weeks. Topics range from China's ongoing Belt and Road Initiative, public health and the coronavirus crisis in South Asia, the evolving relationship between Iran and China, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Asian-Americans, and many other timely subjects. 

Watch this space for links to these important and engaging discussions, and links
to the recorded versions of past presentations!

Rethinking Kyoto Tourism

A Discussion with Dr. Jennifer Prough (Valparaiso University)

Discussant: Prof. Alice Tseng (Dept. of History of Art and Architecture, Boston University)

April 2, 2020

Asian American Resistance and Creative Clapbacks in the time of Covid-19

with Frances Kai-Hwa Wang

April 27, 2020

A Conversation with BU Professor of International Relations Min Ye on her new book

The Belt Road and Beyond: State-Mobilized Globalization in China, 1998-2018 (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Hosted by Professor Grant Rhode

US-China Cyber Conflicts: TikTok, WeChat, and Sino-American Relations Today

A Conversation with Min Ye,  Lei Guo, and Jack Weinstein
Moderator: Prof. James Katz (College of Communication, BU)

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Learning from Past Pandemic Governance: Early Response and PPPs in Testing of COVID-19 in South Korea

with June Park (George Washington University)

Thursday, October 20, 2020

China and the Second World War: Family Stories from Boston University

with Willis Wang, Esther Hu, Wen-Hao Tien, and David Li

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Super Continent: The Logic of Eurasian Integration, with Kent Calder

Discussant: Min Ye (Boston University)

Moderator: William Grimes (Boston University)

Friday, December 4, 2020

The Promise and Perils of Chinese Democracy: Hong Kong and Taiwan

With David Zweig (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Margaret Lewis (Seton Hall University)

Discussant: Joseph Fewsmith

Friday, December 11, 2020

Manifest Density : Land Reclamation and Casino Culture in Macau, with Prof. Thomas Daniell, Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Kyoto University

Asian Cultural Heritage Forum Lecture
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021

In the series Assessing China's Belt and Road Initiative:

STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS: US-China Strategic Competition and the BRI
with Prof. Min Ye and discussant Prof.  Joshua Shifrinson (both of the Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University)

Friday, February 19, 2021


Asian American Resistance & Creative Clapbacks in the time of COVID-19 (Frances Kai-Hwa Wang)

The BU Center for the Study of Asia is pleased to present

with Frances Kai-Hwa Wang

The history of Asian America is a history of resistance. And Art. We will look at moments in history and how Asian Americans have resisted and used art, including the time of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, the Vincent Chin case in 1982, and after 9/11. We will look at how Asian Americans are using art today in this time of COVID-19 to both share their talents and to clap back at anti-Asian American violence. And then we will think about what you can do to help the community during this time.

Frances Kai-Hwa Wang is a journalist, essayist, speaker, and poet focused on issues of diversity, race, culture, and the arts. Her writing has appeared at NBC News Asian America, PRI Global Nation, Cha Asian Literary Journal. She teaches Asian/Pacific Islander American media and civil rights at the University of Michigan. She co-created a multimedia artwork for the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center. She is a 2019 Knight Arts Challenge Detroit artist, Marguerite Casey Foundation Equal Voice Journalism Fellow on Poverty, and Keith Center for Civil Rights Detroit Equity Action Lab Race and Justice Reporting Fellow on the Arts. franceskaihwawang.com @fkwang

Rethinking Kyoto Tourism with Dr. Jennifer Prough

The BU History of Art & Architecture Department and BU Center for the Study of Asia are pleased to present:

Rethinking Kyoto Tourism
with Dr. Jennifer Prough

(Valparaiso University)

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Prough

Dr. Jennifer Prough, Associate Professor of Humanities and East Asian Studies at Valparaiso University speaks with Alice Y. Tseng, Professor of Japanese Art and Architecture at Boston University on Prough’s research on Kyoto’s contemporary tourism industry. She reassesses Kyoto as a unique destination, and the ways that this historical capital’s long heritage is mobilized for cultural agendas, social purposes, and economic strategies. Current issues and challenges caused by overtourism, globalization, and the COVID-19 pandemic are also discussed.

Boston Asian American Film Festival (Free online screening June 27, 2020)



Short Waves: Stories Shaping Our Community is BAAFF's screening of short videos in honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May. The screening featured shorts collected from the Open Call. The top submissions were selected by a panel of distinguished judges at the event. The winner was determined by public vote of the finalists. The winner of the Short Waves Competition received automatic acceptance into the upcoming Boston Asian American Film Festival.

Asian Pacific Americans have long been making waves in all aspects of American life, but their stories have often been lost in general U.S. discourse. “Short Waves: Stories Shaping Our Community,” hopes to bring light to these stories through locally made, community driven short films about the Asian American experience and community.

​Saturday, June 27, 2020 | 6:30PM
Pao Arts Center - 99 Albany St. (Chinatown) Boston, MA 02111



Submission must be: 
Up to 5-minute video to share your story about your Asian American life or community based on a personal experience.*Deadline: Sunday, June 7th, 11:59 pm

Short Waves winner benefits include: 
- Sharing your story with the community
- Automatic acceptance into the upcoming BAAFF
- Network with other featured filmmakers & participate in Q&As
- 2020 VIP Festival Pass

Some sample topics may include:
- What Asian American issue are you most passionate about?
- Tell us about someone who has helped shaped your identity as an Asian American. (role model)
- What is a pressing issue that affects your Asian American community and how that affects you?
- How do you personally define your Asian American identity?
- How do you celebrate your Asian American identity? (family gatherings and rituals, etc.)

Questions? Please email baaff@aarw.org

*We reserve the right to refuse any submissions that we believe may be prohibited or inappropriate.


Preserved Pages: Book as Art in Persia and India, 1300–1800, at the Worcester Art Museum

Mark your calendars for the upcoming exhibition

Preserved Pages:
Book as Art in Persia and India, 1300–1800

October 13, 2018 – January 6, 2019

at the Worcester Art Museum

55 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609    508.799.4406

Persian, An Irate Camel, (detail), 17th Century

This exhibition focuses on works on paper, separated from books (manuscripts) and albums, from the Worcester Art Museum's collection. Representing the two main contexts for the image in Iran and India from the Mongol invasions of the mid-1200s through the pre-modern period, Preserved Pages highlights several important artworks. These include landmark manuscripts, such as the 14th-century Great Mongol Shahnama (Book of Kings), and other rarely seen treasures of the Museum's Islamic art collection. Exhibition themes focus on the broad diversity of the arts of the book; the cultural and artistic value of art and literature; the variety of texts, genres, and modes of pictorial illustration and enhancement; and the subject matter and mediums developed by artists (painting, drawing, and illumination).

Image: Persian, An Irate Camel, (detail), 17th Century, opaque watercolor on paper,
Bequest of Alexander H. Bullock, 1962.185

Last Defense: The Genius of Japanese Meiji Metalwork, at the Worcester Art Museum

Now on exhibit at the Worcester Art Museum:

Last Defense:
The Genius of Japanese Meiji Metalwork

September 13, 2017 - September 2, 2018 at the Worcester Art Museum

55 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609    508.799.4406


Nagasone Tojiro Mitsumasa, Helmet in the form of a Sea Conch Shell

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912), the political revolution when power was restored to the emperor from the samurai class, this exhibition focuses on the genius and versatility of metalworkers during this transitional moment. With the decline of the samurai class and its privileges, armor-makers, such as the renowned four centuries-old Myochin family of metalworkers, applied their exemplary skills and artistry to develop new types of metal products, from toys to decorative art. This show will feature magnificent works from the Museum's Higgins collection, as well as a special selection of loans.

Kozan, Articulated Jizai Figurine of a Lobster

Top image: Nagasone Tojiro Mitsumasa, Helmet in the form of a Sea Conch Shell, 1618, iron with traces of lacquer, textiles, The John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection, 2014.89.1

Bottom image: Kozan, Articulated “Jizai” Figurine of a Lobster, about 1900, iron, The John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection, 2014.609


The Wall Street Journal
Creativity Forged Anew in Japan
By Lee Lawrence, January 8, 2018


UNNO Shomin, Dove Okimono, about 1900 Myochin Ki (no) Munechika, Acorn-shaped Kabuto, February 1855
UNNO Moritoshi, Koro (Incense Burner), about 1885 HIRAYAMA Kantei, Vase, 1900-1916