Lina Dicovitsky

Marching Band Drum Major; Pep Band Clarinet Section Leader

Hometown: Andover, Massachusetts 

Bio: Good morning! My name’s Lina Dicovitsky (she/her), and I’m one of the current Drum Majors and Clarinet Section Leaders here at BU. I’ve been playing clarinet for 12 years, conducting for 4 years, and playing mallet percussion since my freshman year.

Currently, I’m a senior studying both Marine Sciences and Earth & Environmental Sciences with a focus in Earth Observations, meaning I like fish, stats, satellites, and maps. Outside of band, I work part-time at the BU Marine Lab Aquarium as an assistant aquarist. I’ve also gotten the chance to do a bunch of field work in a variety of areas from the Plum Island Sound marshes just north of Boston to Turneffe Atoll, Belize.

Some of my hobbies include playing music (shocking), drawing, playing with my cat Cheeto, and having a good laugh with friends.

What is your favorite BU Bands memory? During Fall Tour with the Marching Band my sophomore year, we were playing at a high school in New Jersey whose name is currently slipping my mind. To warm up, they put us in the school’s courtyard. One thing you’ll quickly learn about the BU Bands is that we can put out *a lot* of sound, and courtyards are excellent echo chambers, so when we started warming up and playing through show segments as usual, we easily sounded 4 times our size.

From Aaron frantically grabbing our attention by waving his phone flashlights to all of us throwing down, we had random band directors across from New Jersey come over to watch us and to hear us play. The best part? The end of the show that year involved all of us singing “From Now On” from the Greatest Showman. We made a few of the band directors cry between our playing and our singing.