
BU’s BEST began in 2014, view the summary of BU’s BEST at: The BEST Five Years

As one of only 17 Broadening Experience in Scientific Training (BEST) schools chosen by the National Institutes of Health, Boston University is enhancing biomedical career development curricula for Ph.D. and postdoctoral trainees in a way that explores careers both inside and outside standard academic research. We do things a bit outside the box here.

At Boston University, our curriculum is informed by market needs. We work closely with industry partners to align our course of study with actual industry demands, ensuring you’re trained for both jobs that are open now and future careers that might not even exist today.

BU’s BEST program is open to all biomedical graduate and postdoctoral trainees at Boston University and we invite you to start finding your perfect path in BU’s BEST program.

We want to know what you know now and what you wished you had learned as a student. Already in your career? Contact gmssa@bu.edu, if you’re interested in serving on an Advisory committeeconnecting with current trainees, or sharing industry experiences, stories, or tips for success with tomorrow’s leaders.


What is BU’s BEST like for current trainees at BU?  Check out Erin Bove-Fenderson’s essay on NIHBEST.org!