
Experience A Possible Career

The benefits of doing an internship or externship experience are invaluable. These opportunities not only give you real-world experience, but they also show employers that you have a passion for a particular job field and the initiative to make sure it’s a good fit.

Next steps
  1. Browse our current list of open internships
  2. Review the Internship Guidelines
  3. Prepare Your Application (allow at least 2 weeks)
  4. Apply (by filling out information below)
    • Max. file size: 100 MB.


Business & Administration





Opportunities are coordinated through the BU’s BEST office and will be listed on this web site and in BU’s BEST newsletters as they become available.

Additional Internships (Not coordinated by BU’s BEST)






Blog for NIH BEST

WBUR Internship

NPR Internship


BU Office of Technology Development


Science from Scientists

Infectious Disease Summer Module


AAAS S&T Fellowship

US Health Policy Gateway

CDC Internships and Externships in Public Health Law

Public Health Internships in Boston, MA

Business & Administration

Bridge to BCG

Flagship Ventures

MassChallenge Entrepreneurial Fellowship




At the time of application the applicant must be at least a 4th year bio-medical doctoral student (post-qualifying exam) or postdoctoral research scientist conducting bio-medical research at Boston University.

Applicants must:

  • Attend the pre-internship workshops or view previously recorded workshops
    • Workshops include: Professionalism 101, Intellectual Property: What YOU Should Know, Communication, Managing Up
  • When applicable, attend the experience-specific workshops described in the Experience application.
  • Have all required compliance approvals and/or certificates
  • A completed IDP on file in BU’s BEST office (myIDP or BU IDP)
  • For graduate students, have satisfactory academic performance defined by PI sign off


To apply for an internship, an applicant should fill out the application.  You will be asked to upload  the following documents  as a single pdf file with your name in the file-name to the end of the application.

Selection Process

Candidates will be selected based upon the EXPERIENCE site requirements. Qualified applicants will receive an interview with BU’s BEST leadership. BU’s BEST will present qualified applicants to the EXPERIENCE site. The EXPERIENCE site will make the final decision.

Requirements to Maintain the EXPERIENCE

  • Fulfill the PI agreement
  • Fulfill all duties assigned in the Experience site

Reporting Back

  • Mid-term and Post-internship evaluation that includes an evaluation of all learning objectives and EXPERIENCE site
  • All internship and externship participants will give a presentation/participate in a panel to their peers and BU’s BEST leadership to give feedback about the EXPERIENCE
  • The EXPERIENCE site will also be surveyed midterm and at the end of the EXPERIENCE

Filled or Closed Internships

e-Learning Content Development

Practicing Educational Skills in Biochemistry

Developing Taxonomies, Descriptions, and Query structures for a BMC Research Warehouse

Career & Professional Development Intern

Research Systems (RBIS) Intern

Clinical Research Assistant (full time)

Clinical Research Assistant

Clinical Trials Office Internship

Science Communications and Outreach Intern 

BUSM Communications Office Intern

Assistant Research Editor

Medical Education Intern

Medical Microbiology Teaching Assistant

Business of Biotech Teaching Assistant

Science Communications and Outreach Intern at disease foundation

MA State Legislature Internship 

Outreach and Marketing Intern

Market Research Internship

Market Research and Competitive Intelligence

Health Economics Internship