Category: Spring 2020

Travel Will Not Unravel: Looking At and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis

By: Kaushik Vardharajan While the world, and the travel industry, has dealt with and survived a number of major crises such as the 9/11 attacks in the US and an unfortunate number of terrorist attacks in numerous other countries, the global financial crisis, and SARS, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has ravaged people, societies, companies, […]

A Message from Dean Upneja

Dear Reader, All of us at the Boston University, School of Hospitality Administration are thinking about you during this unprecedented and uncertain time. We are concerned about your personal health and well-being, and the collective health and well-being of the hospitality industry. While it may feel like we are alone while working from home, we are not. […]

Restaurant Organizations and the Power of the New Economy: A Pandemic, Labor Value and Lessons From the Past

By Dr. Christopher Muller What happens to the restaurant industry when the Pandemic ends, which history tells us, it will? The New Reality In the worst-case scenario, tens of thousands of newly opened foodie comets, or aging and struggling veterans, or flashy places with aspirational rent that was just a bit too high, or those busy […]