Tag: coronavirus

Sanitizer Centerpieces: Concerns for Restaurant Operations in MA

Photo Source: Canva By Dr. John Palabiyik, Dr. Suzanne Markham Bagnera, and Dr. Brendan Cronin The COVID-19 virus arrived as an unidentifiable shock to the restaurant industry. The whole hospitality industry was unexpectedly crippled by an issue that it has never experienced in its prior history. Once operators got over the antecedent trauma, they immediately […]

Resetting the Table: Concerns for Restaurant Operations in MA

Photo Source: (Lueckemeyer, 2020) By Dr. Suzanne Markham Bagnera, Dr. John Palabiyik, and Dr. Brendan Cronin State of the Massachusetts Restaurant Industry The restaurant industry in the state of Massachusetts represents, as of 2018, over 15,000 restaurants (Massachusetts Restaurant Association, n.d.).  The nearly $19 billion-dollar industry was nearly brought to a complete halt of operations […]

Kindness is not 86’d: The Spirit of Hospitality in a World of COVID-19

Source: Travel Media Group By Dr. Suzanne Markham Bagnera and Leah Tringale Beginning in March of 2020, individuals started the practice of the unfamiliar act of social distancing. Along with the uncertainty of the virus, many of us are left apprehensive about the future. Having consensual physical contact with other people and enjoying the company […]

Adaptation: Restaurants Maneuver in Response to COVID-19

Source: Canva By Leora Halpern Lanz, Sara Szymanski The last few months have been a true test for restaurants, as COVID-19 has severely disrupted the food and beverage industry – likely one of the hardest hit segments of the economy. Shelter-in-place and lockdown policies inevitably restricted people from gathering and going out to dinner, essentially damaging […]

The 4 C’s of a Hotel’s COVID Communications Toolkit: Important Messaging and Touch Points to Consider for Re-Opening

Source: Canva By Leora Halpern Lanz, ISHC As destinations around the globe begin to “reopen” and lead the way toward recovery, branded and independent hotel operators alike need to ensure that marketing is in place to inform guests and encourage some semblance of the desire to travel again. With that in mind, consider the following: In […]

Sanitized Practices for Human Resources in a COVID-19 Environment

By Dr. Suzanne Markham Bagnera and Meghan Steinberg The impact that COVID-19 has had on small and large businesses, is something never seen before in more than five generations.  The closure of America has basically placed a halt to business in the hospitality industry.  This has forced many businesses to implement work from home (WFH) strategies. Historical […]