Tag: Courtney Suess

How Does My Neighbor Feel About my Airbnb?

  By Makarand Mody, Courtney Suess & Tarik Dogru The sharing economy and Airbnb in particular, has drawn significant media attention. A major disruptor to a global hospitality and tourism industry that remained relatively static for decades, the sharing economy has deeply divided its proponents and critics. The industry’s initial response was to shrug off […]

The hotel industry’s Achilles Heel? Quantifying the negative impacts of Airbnb on Boston’s hotel performance

By Tarik Dogru, PhD, Makarand Mody, PhD, Courtney Suess, PhD Airbnb is the largest firm in the sharing economy marketplace, with about 3 million listings, including entire homes, shared rooms, and private rooms—more than the world’s largest three hotel chains combined (IHG, Marriott, Hilton, 2.58 M listings). It has hosted about 50 million guests in […]

Comparing apples and oranges? Examining the impacts of Airbnb on hotel performance in Boston

By Tarik Dogru, Makarand Mody, and Courtney Suess If you are in the hotel industry, chances are that Airbnb has come up in conversation at some point or another. The sharing economy phenomenon and the economic, social, and technological changes fueling its growth have challenged the hotel industry to rethink its experiential value proposition to […]

Hospitality Healthscapes: The New Standard for Making Hospitals More Hospitable

By Courtney Suess, Makarand Mody, & Gabrielle Guarracino What words come to mind when you think of a hospital room? Chances are, your results might sound something like this: Stark. Sterile. Bare. Clinical. These don’t paint a very attractive picture, nor do they engender any comfort for those who find themselves needing to stay at […]