Tag: real estate

Editor’s Letter – Real Estate Edition

April 2022 By: Kaushik Vardharajan, Director, Real Estate Program, Boston University School of Hospitality Administration We are now entering the third year of the Covid-19 pandemic that has resulted in more than 470 million cases and 6.1 million deaths around the world, per the World Health Organization. While the hospitality industry’s worst fears at the […]

Hotel Transactions and Valuations – What to Expect in 2022?

By Charlotte Kang, Managing Director, Valuation & Advisory Services Group, Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels are increasingly becoming a mainstream asset class stemming from the hospitality industry’s robust growth, evidenced by the strong hotel transaction volume involving a wide array of global investors. The hospitality industry came to a halt in 2020, shocking the hotel world into […]

RevPAR May Be Back This Year, but the Industry Looks Much Different Than It Used to

By Rod Clough, President, Americas, HVS As much as we want the pandemic to be in the rearview mirror, the hotel industry is still facing lingering challenges. Group cancellations and reduced group room block pick-ups during the first weeks of 2022 are taking steam out of the recovery and extending the time to a full […]

A Guide to Developing Wellness Real Estate

By Ingo Schweder, Founder & CEO at GOCO Hospitality, Managing Director at Horwath HTL Health & Wellness Introduction People are becoming increasingly aware of how lifestyle and external environmental factors impact their wellbeing and are seeking health-and-wellness enhancing solutions in their daily lives. A majority of physical spaces are unable to provide such solutions, often limiting […]

From the Editor’s Desk – April 2021 Real Estate Issue

By: Kaushik Vardharajan, Director, Real Estate Program Boston University School of Hospitality Administration It was a year ago, on March 11, 2020, when the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic of global proportions, leading to lockdowns of many countries and an almost complete cessation of travel across the world. Once the scale and seriousness […]

Letter from the Dean – April 2021 Real Estate Issue

By: Arun Upneja, Ph.D. Greetings from the School of Hospitality Administration at Boston University and welcome to our Real Estate Issue of Boston Hospitality Review (BHR). At the time of this writing after an existentially “long cold lonely winter,” to quote the Beatles, “the smiles are returning to the faces” (even if masked) as vaccinations […]

Projecting Economic Cycles in the Lodging Industry

By: John O’Neill, PhD, Pennsylvania State University Various stages of the economic cycle have been a popular discussion topic at many hotel investment conferences in recent years. These discussions have included hypothesizing by panel participants regarding what is the current phase of the cycle (sometimes likening economic growth cycles to a baseball game, and conjecturing what […]

Seniors Housing 101: Where Are We Now & Where Do We Go from Here?

By: Serena Lipton & Zach Bowyer, MAI, JLL Seniors housing, while still a highly niche sector, is quickly evolving to become a core investment. According to JLL Research, there are approximately 24,500 properties, comprised of 1,687,000 senior living units and 1,461,000 nursing care beds. “Seniors housing” is an umbrella term that encompasses approximately four diverse care types, including […]

Closing Lodging Transactions through COVID: An Overview of The Hospitality Real Estate Finance Markets

By: Mark Owens, John Avanzino & Robert Webster, CBRE Hotels Introduction The Hospitality Industry has experienced many shocks, none as severe as the COVID-19 virus. This article focuses on COVID’s impact on the U.S. hospitality real estate finance market, providing insight into the state of the market pre-pandemic, lending community sentiment, lender engagement and market participation, and the COVID […]