Tag: RevPAR

Airports Hotels: Laying the Foundation for a Synergistic Relationship

By Allison Fogarty Hotels have always been located near transportation hubs. Centuries ago, travelers sought accommodation and refreshment in inns strategically located along the road network to provide a place for man and beast to recharge and refresh. As carriages and stagecoaches gave way to railroads, and sail yielded to steam, hostelries sprang up around […]

Boston Market Hotel Review

By Andrea Foster PKF Consulting USA (PKFC) and PKF Hospitality Research (PKF-HR) are respected sources for sound decision-making in the hospitality and real estate industries. We apply our skills to discover the unique aspects of an opportunity for our clients, and to develop practical solutions that can be initiated efficiently, successfully, and profitably. Core areas […]

The Current State of the New England Lodging Market: New England Falls Short of the Nation in RevPAR Growth in 2013

By Rachel Roginsky and Matthew Arrants Revenue per available room (RevPAR) for the New England region grew 5.2 percent compared to growth of 5.4 percent for the country as a whole. However, there is still plenty of good news: The region was only slightly behind in terms of RevPAR, exceeding the national growth rate for […]

Lodging Update: Providence, Rhode Island

By Rachel Roginski and Matthew Arrants Each quarter, Pinnacle Advisory Group prepares an analysis of the New England lodging industry, which provides a regional summary and then focuses in depth on a particular market. These reviews look at recent and proposed supply changes, factors affecting demand and growth rates, and the effects of interactions between […]