All Topics (February 1 through February 2)
Friday, February 1
- All Day CCD-ERC Student Ambassador Program Application Opens
- 8:00 AM Moments In Time
- 10:00 AM IS&T RCS Tutorial - Introduction to Python, Part Two
- IS&T RCS Tutorial - Python for Data Analysis
- Online Strategic Planning Listening Session for Staff, Faculty, and Students
- 11:00 AM Meditation (drop-in)
- 12:00 PM Medical Grand Rounds: Moskowitz Visiting Professor
- SE PhD Prospectus Defense of Arian Houshmand
- Time Management Workshop
- 12:15 PM IS&T RCS Tutorial - Graphics in R: ggplot2
- 2:00 PM IS&T RCS Tutorial - Intermediate Usage of the SCC
- 2:30 PM IS&T RCS Tutorial - Numerical and Scientific Computing in Python
- 3:00 PM Coffee & Conversation: Millenials - the "Burnout" Generation
- MSE Colloquium Speaker Wanzheng Hu
- 4:00 PM Exam Prep and Study Skills Workshop
- 4:30 PM UPA General Body Meeting and First Friday
- 5:00 PM FREE Friday Dinner!
- Kilachand Favorite Film Series: Into the Abyss, Directed by Werner Herzog
- 5:30 PM IS&T RCS Tutorial - Introduction to R
- 6:00 PM Kilachand Favorite Film Series: Into The Abyss, Directed By Werner Herzog
- 7:30 PM Ragtime
Saturday, February 2
- 8:00 AM Moments In Time
- 9:30 AM Off-Campus Program BUN Bedford Information Session
- 1:00 PM Groundhog Day Skating
- 2:00 PM Ragtime