Elizabeth attended the annual ASBMB/EB National Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Prior to the conference, Elizabeth worked with Dr. Christopher Heaphy at BU’s School of Medicine. Elizabeth was selected to present their research in the 2022 ASBMB Undergraduate Poster Competition and in the ASBMB Undergraduate Biochemistry Poster Session.

The experience was really beneficial for my communication skills! I received feedback on my poster presentation, and I got to present multiple times between two days and make improvements along the way. I also heard other presentations and took note of their presentation styles. Lastly, there was a lot of networking and just basic conversation happening which I hadn’t experienced in person at that scale in such a long time. Communication is a key component of science, and conferences are a big part of research, so this was the first of many in my career.

Elizabeth presenting their research poster at the annual ASBMB conference.
Elizabeth presenting their research poster at the annual ASBMB conference.


In addition to presenting their research, Elizabeth also attended presentations on current biochemical and cancer research and was able to connect with faculty from various PhD programs at the ASBMB MAC Reception.

It was great to be surrounded by so many people with a common passion for research, especially after being virtual for a while.

For their trip, Elizabeth was sponsored by Dr. Trevor Siggers in the Biology Department and awarded a $500 grant.

Elizabeth Nelson, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology student, and Dr. Karen Allen, Chair of Chemistry, at the ASBMB Annual Conference.
Elizabeth and Dr. Karen Allen, Chair of Chemistry, at the ASBMB/EB National Conference
If you are a current Biology or BMB student interested in applying for a travel grant, the application is here.