• Title Adjunct Associate Professor and Co-Chair, West Indian Whistling-Duck Working Group of the Society of Caribbean Ornithology
  • Education PhD, University of Minnesota
  • Area of Interest Conservation Biology, Behavioral Ecology, and Hormonal Mechanisms of Behavior in Birds

Research Interests

My current research addresses the potential effects of global warming on wetlands and waterfowl breeding in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of the Northern Great Plains, the most important breeding area for waterfowl in North America. As the climate warms due to rising atmospheric concentrations of CO2 from anthropogenic burning of fossil fuels, it is important to assess the probable impacts of this warming on this vital wetland ecosystem and wildlife resource.

Using data from annual spring counts of wetlands and breeding duck populations conducted since 1955, I am examining the historical relationship between climate conditions and the number of wetlands and breeding ducks. Working with climatologists at Goddard Institute for Space Studies, I am using this relationship to project future pond and duck numbers under climate change based on climate values generated from sensitivity analyses and General Circulation Model (GCM) scenarios. My work includes an analysis of the sensitivity of individual waterfowl species to global warming as well as an assessment of which regions in the PPR may be most vulnerable to damage from climate change, results that will aid managers in planning mitigation and conservation strategies.

I am also interested in Caribbean ornithology and am actively involved in avian and wetlands conservation efforts in the region. I am coordinating the “The West Indian Whistling-Duck and Wetlands Conservation Project”, a region-wide public education and awareness program and population surveys for the endangered West Indian Whistling-Duck and the importance of wetlands in general.

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