Bostonia is published in print three times a year and updated weekly on the web.
Data and algorithms can spot medical concerns early and point to solutions
Greg Blonder says our leaders often obstruct the public’s will
Did noise pollution in the ocean contribute to her death in the waters off Cape Cod? Her whale ears may hold important clues
SPH Dean Sandro Galea and the future of public health
In Gloucester, Mass., a new take on police discretion gives addicts something to live for
Sybil Morial’s memoir remembers the New Orleans that she helped to change
Snatched off a Tehran street, Matt Trevithick was arrested and locked in a solitary cell in Iran’s most brutal prison
Casual star Michaela Watkins on how streaming, and a new version of feminism, changes everything
Insects yield surprising findings on aging
Astronomers are learning how the mysterious objects work, and where they get their energy
The stories behind the ink
Will provide special equipment to equalize training
Jazzman Jimmy Greene celebrates daughter Ana, Sandy Hook victim
New books by Jhumpa Lahiri, Fernanda Santos, Zvi Sesling, and Susan Silverman
6 things you can take advantage of right now
At BU, young donors have an outsized impact
CAS’ Samuel W. Allen and Mark G. Field
Readers write back
A selection of published tributes
BU’s miXx K-Pop Cover Dance Crew re-creates music videos step-by-step
BUTV10’s long-running soap opera delivers sex, drugs, and murder
Purposeful action by administration raises the bar
BU hopes to lease new building for students displaced by work
New spaces for theater and production, makeover of 855 Comm Ave
Questrom, SED, LAW also do well
BU Hub, Cross-College Challenge, will begin with 2017 freshmen
New book shows why they “win the culture wars”
CFA’s Mark Stanley creates mood with an ephemeral medium
For ENG’s Greg Blonder, a great product requires perfect timing
Former CBS executive Nina Tassler says life took her to unexpected joys
What does it take to transport 11,000 people a day?
Return to Boston “a dream come true”
Students reach a million hours of service
Shipley Foundation gift will fund research in personalized medicine
Engineering professor Elise Morgan looks for a better way to predict spine fractures
COM alum’s Day One was an Oscar nominee
Photographers Tyler Hicks, Jessica Rinaldi, reporter Kimbriell Kelly
Social goals drive alums on Forbes 30-Under-30 list
At Formaggio Kitchen, high-end charcuterie meets appreciative audience