Alumni+ Big Shot Billie Weiss is living out a major-league dream as manager of photography for the World Champion Boston Red Sox Video
On Campus+ Bricks of Life Biologist and Lego collector Cynthia Bradham finds inspiration in the tiny building blocks of life Video
Alumni10 Rahul Desikan's Story of Love, Science, and Facing Down Death This pioneering neuroscientist was attacking ALS. Then ALS attacked him. Video
Books+ Exploring Endurance Best-selling author David Grann (GRS’94) on one man’s obsessive quest to cross Antarctica
June 18, 2019Know What’s Good for Your Health? Artificial IntelligenceData and algorithms can spot medical concerns early and point to solutions
June 12, 2019Crowdsourcing a Second Bill of Rights? ENG Professor Wants to Give It a ShotGreg Blonder says our leaders often obstruct the public’s will
June 10, 2019A Dead Humpback, a Team of Scientists, a Race for AnswersDid noise pollution in the ocean contribute to her death in the waters off Cape Cod? Her whale ears may hold important clues
June 10, 2019Shari Davis (Sargent’10,’12) among 20 Obama Fellows Named Worldwide“The Obamas represent…the reality that ceilings can and should be broken”
June 6, 2019Natick’s World War II Museum Commemorates 75th Anniversary of D-DayFounder Ken Rendell, who studied business at BU, has created special exhibition
June 4, 2019Stan Sclaroff Named Dean of Arts & SciencesAfter nationwide search, interim dean chosen for strong and consistent leadership
March 12, 2019 A Class That Explores the Gospel According to Tupac Shakur STH course studies rapper’s “prophetic witness” to injustice
October 30, 2018 20 Years Later Favorite Poem Project Comes Home to BU Members of the BU community share their choices in new series of videos
September 25, 2017 Favorite Poem Project to Celebrate 20th Anniversary BU community invited to read a favorite poem on video
September 21, 2017 Caitlin Doyle: Following in Robert Frost’s Footsteps Creative Writing alum wins Frost Farm Prize for metric poetry
March 23, 2017 Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott (Hon.’93) Dead at 87 Taught at BU, founded Boston Playwrights’ Theatre