BU Alumni Web

Points of Departure: There’s Nothing Like It

John Holland (CGS’09, COM’11) talks about the thrill of playing basketball

| From BU Today | By ALAN WONG
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On May 22, John Holland (CGS’09, COM’11), BU men’s basketball guard and forward and the team’s lone senior, will graduate. Recently named America East Player of the Year, Holland made an undeniable mark as a Terrier, breaking the BU record for minutes played and finishing second in points scored, at 2,212.

Holland, a public relations major, is hoping for a shot at the NBA after college (the draft is in June), but remains humble about where the future may take him.

“I know that I, for one, am going to just try to accept whatever happens to me,” he says. “Wherever I end up, I’m going to try to make the best of it. And whatever I choose to pursue, I’m going to try my best.”

Additional editing by Chris Maggio.

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