Bostonia is published in print three times a year and updated weekly on the web.
Data and algorithms can spot medical concerns early and point to solutions
Greg Blonder says our leaders often obstruct the public’s will
Did noise pollution in the ocean contribute to her death in the waters off Cape Cod? Her whale ears may hold important clues
One year after the death of a beloved Cambridge activist, a fellow wayfarer reflects on the dreams of a generation
Reaping the harvest of Duxbury’s waters
Five great inventions that didn’t get off the drawing board (yet)
How MED’s Jim O’Connell learned to shelve his stethoscope and listen
Neil Ganem’s quest to understand cancer, by unraveling the mysteries of cell division
Young alum finds an identical twin she never knew she had
Scientists grow functioning thyroid follicles that produce hormone in mice
Peter Guralnick charts the life of the man who invented rock ‘n’ roll
From Queer as Folk to The Fosters, Peter Paige is making prime time more inclusive
New books by Nicole Trilivas, Connie Hertzberg Mayo, and Chris O’Leary
Nine great reasons these groups, events, and volunteers got the nod this year
Couple met at MET before launching Newton restaurant
Festivities in Boston, New York, and other cities
Project will transform 100-year-old Castle
Funds support research on both campuses
Society offers activities, opportunities to gather with old friends, and learn about what BU offers
Pulitzer Prize–nominated English professor Millicent Bell was as “effervescent” in person as she was on the page
CFA’s Joel Sheveloff had wit and wisdom
CAS’ Jaakko Hintikka, Robert L. Saitz, and Abner Shimony
Readers write back
A selection of published tributes
Stephanie Nasson (SAR’16) is on her way to the 2016 Olympic trials this summer
New librarian is strong on technology, diversity
Femina Shakes performs all-female Shakespeare at CFA
Explaining what and why of a research university in 30 seconds
Kaiser Permanente partnership teaches model medical care
A-list actors portray Boston Globe reporters investigating Church scandal
Economics prof’s new guide to getting the most from Social Security
Embracing diversity, integrating with campus life
Wireless sensors developed by BUSAT to be launched into space
For more than a decade, Wendy Haig-Ramage has been helping us find our way
Coordinating the University’s military-focused research and service projects
Famed chef and BU faculty member honored
Research by ENG’s Kulis makes it easier to analyze Big Data
CAS prof’s study sheds light on why economic inequality continues to grow
Molecule blocks formation of toxic amyloid beta
$2.5 million gift will create the Travis M. Roy Professorship at Sargent College