Alumni productions at C1 and BC
Congratulations to… …playwright alums J.C. Pankratz and Eliana Pipes, members of Company One’s Season 24 PlayLab Circuit Surge Lab, whose short plays are part of Company One’s digital event In Community We Trust. One night only—watch party tonight, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m. (Playwright alum Cliff Odle also performs in one of the featured plays!) […]
Yeh named C1 Playlab Fellow
Livian Yeh has been named a C1 2018 Playlab Fellow with Company One Theatre. Congratulations, Livian!
BTM XIX: The Warm-Up Laps
Join us this Saturday, May 13, for the Warm-Up Laps—readings of full-length plays—presented in collaboration with the Boston Center for the Arts and its resident theatres in the BCA’s Deane Rehearsal Hall. The readings are FREE and open to the public! 12 p.m. Stir Frying Mahjong by Christina Chan Sponsored by Company One Theatre 2 […]