Who let the dogs out? Show your Terrier ice hockey team spirit at Midnight Mania on Saturday, September 29, at Brown Arena

Vol. V No. 7   ·   28 September 2001 


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Ask the Bridge

My friends and family members tell me that I'm stressed, but I really don't feel like I am. Is there any way I can prove to them that I'm not stressed?

Stress has been linked to all the leading causes of death in North America -- heart disease, cancer, and suicide. To determine your level of stress, psychologists Lyle Miller and Alma Dell Smith of the Boston Medical Center have developed the Stress Audit. Score each item from 1 (almost always) to 5 (never), according to how much of the time each statement applies to you.

___ I eat at least one hot, balanced meal a day.
___ I get seven to eight hours of sleep at least four nights a week.
___ I give and receive affection regularly.
___ I have at least one relative who lives close by on whom
I can rely.
___ I exercise to the point of perspiration at least twice a week.
___ I am in good health (including eyesight, hearing, dental, etc.).
___ I take fewer than five alcoholic drinks per week.
___ I am the appropriate weight for my height.
___ I have an income adequate to meet basic expenses.
___ I get strength from my religious beliefs.
___ I have one or more friends to confide in about personal matters.
___ I have a network of friends and acquaintances.
___ I regularly attend club or social activities.
___ I smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day.
___ I am able to speak openly about my feelings when I'm angry or --------worried.
___ I have regular conversations with the people I live with about domestic problems, including chores, money, and daily living issues.
___ I do something for fun at least once a week.
___ I am able to organize my time effectively.
___ I drink fewer than three cups of coffee, tea, or soda a day.
___ I take quiet time for myself during the day.

To find your score, add up the figures and subtract 20. Any number over 30 indicates a vulnerability to stress. You are seriously vulnerable if your score is between 50 and 75, and extremely vulnerable if it is over 75.

"Ask the Bridge" welcomes readers' questions. E-mail or write to "Ask the Bridge," 10 Lenox Street, Brookline, MA 02446.


05 October 2001
Boston University
Office of University Relations